Sunday, July 7, 2013


Hello and welcome to this great blog! Opaul Concept is an organization devoted to making people happy; and we thank God for helping us with that since 2010. Here is a new gift for us, we have search everywhere and look out for "what is the major concern about people" and we discover from statistics that our major concern is our health. Now we search around and we have gotten a great gift for those who need it. Though not everyone could get it! Why??! Because its not free, and many can't pay for what will benefit them. How much is it and how can I get and how do I pay? First, this gift is not a machine! But just 10 powerful e-books. We got this e-books for a very expensive price and from a very reliable source. And here is how it will be distributed. For those interested in these e-books, you will pay #2000 or $35 to the account details in the 'Contact Me' page of this blog. After payment, mail us your teller no, full name, contact details and special consideration message to and the package will be delivered to you within 12 hours through the mail address you used to send your confirmation message. You are wondering why these e-books are sold for such an amount; its just because of our slogan "...making people happle" we got it for a very huge price but we believe that oneday, someone will reward us with donation! Please post your testimonies as comment here... Remember, YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH!!!

Friday, May 31, 2013

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013


One day in 2009, Israeli engineer Izhar Gafni sat in a quiet library designing a machine to extract seeds from pomegranates when his mind drifted to cycling, hisfavorite pastime. Gafni admired bikes made from sustainable bamboo, but their high cost seemed prohibitive. He wondered, Why not make them from cardboard, instead? Over the next two years,Gafni learned to fold cardboard sheets into thestrongest possible shapes; his experimentation led to robust structures resembling honeycombs and bird nests. He then spent another year crafting the material into bicycle components. “I almost felt like the Wright Brothers going into unknown territory,” he says. The product of his labor is a single-speed bicycle with spokes, rims, and a frame made from cardboard. Varnish protects the glued paper core from moisture, while old car tires serve as puncture-proof wheels. Gafni used a car’s timing belt as a chain and formed plastic bottles intopedal cranks. The 28-pound prototype, called Alfa, can safely support a rider nearly 20 times its weight. Gafni intends to mass produce four models: two 18-pound bikes for adults, assisted by optional rechargeable electric motors, and two smaller versions for children. He hopes to buildeach bike for less than$12 in materials and sell them for no more than$30. Through advertisingplastered on each bike—or enough grant money—people in developing countries could ride them for free. Gafni can already envision fashioning his cardboard into baby strollers, wheelchairs, and even cars. “You can do almost anything with it,” he says. Cardboard Bike: CourtesyI.G. Cardboard Technologies INVENTOR Izhar Gafni COMPANY I.G. Cardboard Technologies INVENTION Alfa Bike COST TO DEVELOP $250,000 MATURITY 6/10


welcome Dear Schools: Stop Treating Science-Curious Kids Like Criminals We shouldn't punish students who are trying to understand how their world works.

Dear Schools: Stop Treating Science-Curious Kids Like Criminals We shouldn't punish students who are trying to understand how their world works.
